DBA Consultancy | Northflow Solutions
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DBA Consultancy

Oracle Certified


Northflow Solution’s Certified Oracle Professional DBA services are designed to give you complete peace of mind when it comes to your business-critical

databases. Our Oracle certified

staff offers personalized attention

that only a small business can, as

well as subject-matter expertise

and experience.

Consider the following:


  • Is your DBA staff getting stretched too thin?

  • Are manual processes costing you time, money, and trouble day after day?

  • Do you know if your hardware investment is running smoothly?


If you said "yes" to any of those questions, feel free to call us at 507-388-0249 to discuss our services.

Oracle Logo

We have relied heavily on the database expertise Northflow has. From performance tuning and process automation to assisting with upgrades, we can't

begin to measure the

positive impact their

service has been to our

entire business.

Northflow Solutions DBA Consultancy Testimonial


What We Offer

DBA Staff Augmentation


  • Let our database experts join your team during short-staffed periods or large projects

  • No term commitments – get additional support when you need it for only as long as you need it.


Automation of Complex Processes, Data Movement & File Transfer Management


  • Eliminate manual, error prone processes 

  • Apply robust proprietary Northflow tools to improve operational efficiency 

    • Renovo – Manage your SQL Server and Oracle test/dev environments with a fully automated solution and a user-friendly self-service portal.

    • Managed File Transfer – A robust tool to automate file transfers and management. A one-stop-shop to track, transfer, notify, and customize input or output for any process.

  • Measurable time and money savings (saving just one hour per work day equates to 20 hours a month or 240 hours per year!)


Performance Analysis and Improvement


  • Save time and resources spent on long running processes

  • Ensure that your hardware and Oracle investments are being fully utilized

  • A few simple process improvements could save you from expensive hardware and software upgrades.


Develop or Enhance Your Data Life Cycle (DLC) Strategy

  • Minimize storage requirements while retaining critical business data

  • Reduce backup and recovery time

  • Keep online systems running at peak performance


Database Design for New Applications


  • Leverage our experienced database development team to ensure new applications are built for success

  • Reduce development and implementation time


Have DBA questions? Send us an email at inquiry@northflowsolutions.com or call 507.388.0249

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